Saturday, April 2, 2011

Yoga: Meditation in Action - Body Prayer

Around two years ago, I had the great fortune of turning on the radio to discover an interview on NPR's program "On Being" called Yoga: Meditation in Action. Krista Tippett, host of the weekly radio program dedicated to delving deep in to ideas related to faith, meaning, ethics and religion was interviewing one of the most outspoken and socially active master yoga teachers in the world today, Seane Corn.

At that point in time, I had only recently begun to connect to the meaning behind all of the words I had long been hearing expressed about the power of the practice. The interview gave me one of the deepest insights I have had yet into the world of yoga and the power it holds for healing transformation.

In this very healing interview, which can be downloaded here, these two insightful women explore the power of yoga, including its potential to be meditation in action, or body prayer. Seane Corn talks of "using the body as an expression of devotion, in that the way you place your hands, the way you place your foot back, everything is done as an offering; it becomes an active form of prayer, of meditation and of grace."

Regardless of one's religious or spiritual beliefs, it's hard to not feel blessed by the graceful movement she embodies in her own practice. In the clip below, she leaves viewers with the idea that the practice can be "used in a way that goes beyond the physical," and that the purpose of the practice is ultimately "to unite us, connect us, inspire us from a place that is very deep within." Her thoughts on using yoga as a way to work the shadow within are also worth listening to.

Seane Corn demonstrating "Body Prayer":

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